4 August 2022

New Price for JPA Buddy

From September 1st, 2022, we plan to increase the price. We're still standing on the affordable pricing offering, so it should not hit your wallet. At the same time it will be a great help for us. The difference will be invested back and allow us to keep a small dedicated team working full time on making JPA Buddy better daily! Find the pricing below:

The JPA Buddy team would like to thank all community members, whether you use the free or commercial version of the plugin. We have received a lot of contributions in the last five months: bug reports, ideas for new features, and improvements to the old ones. Of course, we appreciate those who have purchased a commercial subscription!

The first version that we made freemium had only one paid feature: generation for Liquibase differential changelogs and Flyway versioned migrations for your data model. In June 2022, another function became available only for subscribers: reverse engineering that enables JPA entities generation for existing DB tables. We believe these two features can massively save time from coding boilerplate. Visit the following section of our documentation, which shows a few use cases where JPA Buddy tremendously improves the developer's experience: https://www.jpa-buddy.com/documentation/paid-features/.