Soft deletion is a widely used pattern. The general idea sounds trivial: instead of deleting entities, you just mark them as ‘deleted’ and filter them out from all SELECT
queries. There are a few reasons to use soft deletion: audit, recoverability, or you need an option to be able to fake data deletion, keeping references to the deleted records.
In this article we will take a look into some details that stay uncovered by most of the articles about soft deletion implementation using Hibernate.
@SQLDelete + @Where
If you google ‘soft deletion hibernate’, you’ll most likely find tutorials by Eugen Paraschiv, Vlad Mihalcea or Thorben Janssen. They suggest to use Hibernate @SQLDelete
and @Where
annotations which let you automatically set the deleted
flag and filter by it:
@Table(name = "article")
@SQLDelete(sql = "update article set deleted=true where id=?")
@Where(clause = "deleted = false")
public class Article {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
@Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
private Long id;
@Column(name = "deleted", nullable = false)
private Boolean deleted = false;
// other properties, getters and setters omitted
takes a native SQL query that is executed whenever a Hibernate-managed entity gets deleted. @Where
takes a condition and appends it to “select” queries automatically, allowing you to filter entities based on the deleted
attribute automatically.
This looks like a silver bullet, however, the devil is in the details. Plain queries will work absolutely fine, but what's going to happen with associations?
Problems with Associations
Let's think for a second, what behaviour would you expect when you fetch an entity that has an association field to a collection, where some entities were soft-deleted, or to a single soft-deleted entity? In fact, there is no wide range of options. You rather want deleted records to be excluded or included in the resulting dataset. And your choice may vary depending on the use case. E.g. we have a collection of items in the e-store cart. Deleting an item we would expect this to disappear from the order, right? However, deleted products should stay in the historical invoices. Isn't it a contradiction?
Let's examine how the @Where + @SQLDelete solution works for different types of associations, fetch the type and API used for executing the query. See the ER diagram below - we are going to use it for our further experiments:
Article has a ManyToMany association to Author, OneToMany association to Comment and a OneToOne association to ArticleDetails. The question is, what should happen if one of them is deleted but still referenced from a live entity?
OneToMany & ManyToMany
Hibernate filters out deleted entities from all ToMany associations. If you run the following code before and after marking one author entity as deleted, the number of names printed will change:
Optional<Article> articleOptional = articleRepository.findById(4L);
articleOptional.ifPresent(article -> {
.forEach(author ->;
Good news, such behaviour consistently happens regardless of the fetching type (lazy or eager) and way of calling it (via entityManager
, Criteria API, Spring Data JPA, etc).
Lazy ManyToOne & OneToOne
Let's imagine that we soft-delete an article from our example. However, we don't want to delete comments under this article, so that when recovering the article it appears back with its comments.
@Table(name = "comment")
public class Comment {
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "article_id")
private Article article;
Now, let's try to fetch a comment associated with the soft-deleted article:
Optional<Comment> comment = commentRepository.findById(id);
comment.ifPresent(com ->;
If you add a breakpoint after the first line, you’ll see that the article is initialized with a proxy.
Well, this is understandable since Hibernate does not know in advance whether the entity is deleted or not. Once you call com.getArticle().getText()
, the EntityNotFoundException
is thrown! Is that what you would expect?
Eager ManyToOne & OneToOne
Let’s repeat the same experiment but change the fetch type to the Eager mode. Now comments get fetched with their article and no proxy required. Hibernate knows for sure that the article is deleted. Let's run the same test:
Optional<Comment> comment = commentRepository.findById(id);
comment.ifPresent(com ->;
The associated soft-deleted article is silently loaded with no exception with the deleted
attribute set to true
Such inconsistent behaviour can be easily explained. The eager fetch type makes Hibernate join the article
table right away. So, Hibernate has a choice to throw the EntityNotFoundException
right away or load it normally. Since the article is loaded, the @Where mechanism is out of power and Hibernate simply maps it to the target class.
Let's fetch a collection of comments:
Iterable<Comment> comments = commentRepository.findAll();
Now we get the EntityNotFoundException
again! This starts to happen again, because findAll
leads to separate queries for the associated Article entities, as it is noted here.
Any time a soft-deleted entity gets fetched by a separate query it causes the above exception. This happens because generating a separate query Hibernate applies the @Where clause, which makes it impossible to find a soft-deleted entity. Obviously, such queries always return an empty result, which, in its turn, causes EntityNotFoundException
What's even more amusing is that you need to experiment to see how exactly Hibernate will fetch data using different APIs. So, using QueryDSL you are going to hit the same exception fetching a collection or a single entity. At the same time, criteria API returns the deleted entity for eager OneToOne, but throws EntityNotFoundException for eager ManyToOne. Total mess, isn't it?
Way to Avoid EntityNotFoundException
There is a cure against the annoying EntityNotFoundException. Hibernate introduces the @NotFound
annotation, which can change the behaviour from raising the exception to silently setting null
into the association field.
This may look like a panacea, however, it brings a significant downside: all ToOne associations become eagerly fetched, regardless of the declared fetch type. This fact may massively impact performance of your application.
Problems with Constraints and Indexes
Both deleted and live entities will share unique constraints and indexes. Hence, creating regular indexes will not work any longer. Let's take an example where an Author has a unique login constraint. After soft-deletion our record stays in the table, so no live author can reuse the same login of the deleted one.
You are lucky if you use PostgreSQL and can use partial indexes:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX author_login_idx ON author (login) WHERE deleted = false;
But if you build your application on top of MySQL, this task turns out to be unsolvable.
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As you may see, Soft Deletion is an easy pattern to understand, but not that easy to implement. Seems there is no ideal implementation for soft deletion. At least Hibernate doesn't provide one.
In simple cases, you definitely can use @SQLDelete
+ @Where
. However, in case when soft-deleted entities appear in OneToOne and ManyToOne associations, you barely can count on the consistent behaviour. Simply changing the fetch type, or introducing @EntityGraph
, or porting your query from Criteria API to QueryDSL or whatever else is likely to change the result: from getting the unexpected exception to the unexpected successful load of the deleted entity or even getting the unexpected null.